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Montag, 15. Januar 2018

Kartographie / verschiedene themenorientierte Karten / mapping

Moderne Kartografie kann dank einfach bedienbarer Userinterfaces Überblick verschaffen und interessante Orte oder Zusammenhänge aufzeigen.

Slavery Today - by Freedom United  

Karte - Einmal ohne, bitte  

Discover the World's 500 Best Flea Markets - Fleamapket

Monumentale Bäume weltweit

All the World's Immigration Visualized in 1 Map - Metrocosm

15 Years Fortress Europe

An interactive map of organizations that address the issue of human trafficking

Ecovillage Projects Map - Global Ecovillage Network

PING PONG MAP, find public table-tennis spots on a map

Hitchwiki Maps: Autostop-Karte für Tramper

Flugzeuge in Echtzeit 

Schiffe eines bestimmten Zeitabschnitts

Schiffe in Echtzeit 

Musikgenres als unglaublich vielfältige Karte mit kurzen Hörbeispielen

Open stage sessions in Munich

Music-Map - Die Landkarte der Musik

Karte öffentlicher Bücherschränke

Obstbäume, Kräuter, Nüsse

Karte der Blogosphäre

Blog über thematische Karten

Diskriminierende Vorfälle in München

Weltkarte der nationalen nuklearen Aktivitäten (Google Maps)

GeaBios - Geo Enabled And Better Internet Oriented Services

City of Pop: Der Plan zum Durchklicken | Zündfunk | Bayern 2 | Radio | 

EOSDIS Worldview

Syrian Civil War Map - Live Middle East Map of the Syrian Civil War 

Kategorie:Kartografie – Wikipedia  

Ecovillage Projects Map - Global Ecovillage Network

HERE - Stadtpläne und Landkarten - Navigation - Satellitenansichten - Routen

Irreführende Karten als Mittel der Propaganda:

Freitag, 18. Oktober 2013

the global slavery index

This is the first edition of the Global Slavery Index produced by the Walk Free Foundation and its partners. It is the first Index of its kind – providing an estimate, country by country, of the number of people living in modern slavery today.
The inaugural edition of the Global Slavery Index 2013 provides a ranking of 162 countries around the world, based on a combined measure of three factors: estimated prevalence of modern slavery by population, a measure of child marriage, and a measure of human trafficking in and out of a country.  The Index provides a quantitative ranking of 162 countries around the world according to the estimated prevalence of slavery, that is, the estimated percentage of enslaved people in the national population at a point in time.  The Index also provides an estimate of the size of the modern slavery problem, country by country.
The Global Slavery Index is the product of the Walk Free Foundation, in consultation with experts from international organizations, think tanks and academic institutions. ...... list of further organizations working to end modern slavery and human trafficking ...... slavery map ...... benefind search engine results for "end modern slavery"

Go cruelty free

Rettet den Regenwald

Ärzte gegen Tierversuche

Ärzte gegen Tierversuche

Alternativen zum Kuhmilchkonsum