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Posts mit dem Label starsrainbowrideboard werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Samstag, 23. November 2013

Welcome Home. The original Rainbow family

 Was ist Rainbow ?*/

Zurück zu den Wurzeln: Leben ohne übertriebene Technik, mit der Natur statt gegen sie. Zusammen  kochen, im großen Kreis zusammen essen, zusammen Plätze scouten und Seedcamps machen. Voneinander lernen, zusammen im Tipi sitzen und Musik machen. Chanten. Die Verbindung zur Natur wiederherstellen. Kräuterkurse machen. Permakultur. Konsequent ökologischer Lebensstil.

Die Rainbow-Gatherings, die ich 1990, 1991 und 2005? besuchte, hatten einen besonderen Charme.
Hier tummeln sich naturverbundene Wesen: Von Menschen, Leuten, Personen, Studenten, Persönlichkeiten, Charakteren, Originalen, Aussteigern, Biohofbewohnern, Vagabunden, Reisenden, Schamanen, Alternativen, Ökos, Hippies, Freaks, Urchristen, Hexen, Kräuterkundigen, Yogis, Esoterikern aller Schattierungen bis Politniks, Trommler, Musikern, Heilern, Tänzern, ... ach die Kategorien sind einfach nicht ausreichend, um die Leute und diese Erfahrung zu beschreiben.

Aus der Einladung zum Rainbow in Slovakia 2012:
This is the Home Call of the Rainbow Family of Living Light: expressed through the will to unite, celebrate and learn to walk our way, to all the
Folks, the Elder of the tribes and the Healers of the planet.
We, who are Brothers and Sisters, Children of the Universe, Families of Life on Earth, Friends of Nature and of all People, children of humankind,
calling ourselves Rainbow Family Tribe, humbly invite:
• All races, peoples, tribes, communes, men, women, children, individuals ...Out of Love;
• All Nations and national leaders... Out of Respect;
• All religions and religious leaders... Out of Faith;
• All world Ecovillages and Rainbow communities... Out of Charity;
to join with us in gathering together for the purpose of expressing our sincere desire that there shall be Peace on Earth and Harmony among all
For this Spiritual and Heart-Soul Healing Gathering of the Tribes we welcome everyone and we invite you to bring all you have with you, in the
Body, in the Mind, in the Soul, to share your Energy, your Songs and your Wisdom in Love and Light.
We invite to surrender your ego to the benefit of the family which is gathering with the Spirit of the Rainbow, for the desire of Celebrating Life and
for the Joy to Dance on the body of our beautiful Mother Earth.
We represent many Nations and many Tribes of all Religions, Believes, Tradition and way of Being.
It is our possibility to be an example of Unity Living Together in Peace in the diversity of the all different realities of the Circle and in Harmony with
the great Nature.
Leave your fears, open your hearts, spread your wings, fly like an eagle, planing smoothly over the Rainbow Country.
Come to Celebrate the oneness with the many Colours of the Rainbow. Share your Dreams. Give space to each one to express his-her own Beauty
and Uniqueness: in whatever form, without repression but with honour and respect to each individual. And of course with good vibrations-yeah!
Together we are Beautiful!!!
The seed camp has already started.
What is a “Rainbow Gathering”? A few “practical” answers.
A “Rainbow Gathering” is an occasion to meet and share with your Sisters and Brothers from different ethnicities , origins, countries, cultures, ages
and convictions. Such a meeting takes place somewhere in nature – in full harmony with it. There are no leaders – each who takes part, actively
takes his or her responsibility: if possible, in a harmonious, energetically-fluent way. Each who would like to share his or her talents, knowledge,
visions and experience can offer a workshop to do so. In a Rainbow Gathering, it's essential to try to live together in a non-commercial way: while
respecting each others differences, backgrounds and realities – not any religious or political group is allowed to monopolise the gathering. In other
words: all Colours of the Rainbow are welcome - none of them dominates the other ones.

We are circuling
Circuling togheter
We are singing
Singing our heart song
This is family
This is unit
This is celebration
This is sacred
We are one in the infinite sun
Forever and ever and ever
We pray for world peace
We pray for unit
We pray for live as one in harmony

In Portuguese:

Estamos aqui
Juntos de mãos dadas
Cantando a a canção
A canção do coração
Essa é a família
Essa é a unidade
Essa é a celebração
Isto é sagrado.
Nós somos um com o infinito sol
Para sempre, sempre, sempre
Nós rezamos pela paz Mundial
Nós rezamos pela unidade
Nós rezamos para viver como um em harmonia
Dentro do meu coração existe
Uma luz que brilha e cresce
Como o sol que ilumina os demais
Porque quanto mais eu dou
mais eu tenho para dar
É a forma de oração
E por isso estou aqui pedindo

Go cruelty free

Rettet den Regenwald

Ärzte gegen Tierversuche

Ärzte gegen Tierversuche

Alternativen zum Kuhmilchkonsum