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Posts mit dem Label post-growth werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, 29. November 2023

Degrowth in München

Was fand zum Thema degrowth bereits in München statt, wo wurden in München wachstumskritische Theorien diskutiert?

Katharina Mau “Das Ende der Erschöpfung - Wie wir eine Welt ohne Wachstum schaffen” 08 Juli 2024, 19 - 21 Uhr mucbook Kaffeehaus

Global Shapers Munich e.V. // Mads Oscar Haumann, Dimitri Zenghelis, Jonah Belitz // Climate Café: Degrowth. A thought-provoking session exploring degrowth as a solution to our world's most pressing sustainability challenges.


Demmer, Ulrich (2018): Was ist „aktivistische Forschung“ in, mit und für Degrowth? In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, Bd. 31, Nr. 4: S. 1-10

Prof. Dr. Stephan Lessenich - Institut für Soziologie - LMU München – Home

Politische Soziologie sozialer Ungleichheit - LMU München

Temporärer Schwerpunkt: Postwachstum — Hochschule für Philosophie München

Georg Lindl, Dipl.-Ingenieur (FH) Amanda Steinborn, Sozialarbeiterin und Bildungsreferentin

28.11.2020 Evangelische Stadtakademie/ Veranstaltung "Immer weiter wachsen? Über Wachstumszwänge, degrowth und Postwachstum"

12.3.2020 Evangelische Stadtakademie / "Der Wachstumszwang"

27.01.2020  Einewelthaus/ Attac-Palaver / Green new deal

30.4.2019 Nord-Süd-Forum / "Entwicklung anders denken – Wachstumszwänge überwinden"

11.12.2019 Rethinking Economics Munich / "Degrowth vs. Green Growth?" 

9./10.2.2019 Attac Winterschule

24.10.2019 : 7. Bayerischer CSR-Tag "Höher, schneller, weiter –Raus aus der Wachstumsgesellschaft?" Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher

12.10.2018 ÖDP / Leo17 / Prof. Dr. Niko Paech / "Wege aus der Wachstumsfalle"

20.04.2018 / Studie „Raus aus der Wachstumsgesellschaft?“ Bischofskonferenz/ Hochschule für Philosophie

2017 hfph Hauptseminar: Das Unbehagen am Wachstum. Philosophisch-ethische Reflexion der Wachstumskritik und alternativer Entwürfe der Postwachstumsbewegung 

10/2014 Stephan Lessenich: "Neben uns die Sintflut: Die Externalisierungsgesellschaft und ihr Preis"

Degrowth and sustainable public finance Pasche, Markus (2018)

ÖDP München / Niko Paech Vorträge

Donnerstag, 30. März 2023

Beyond Growth 2023 Conference in Brussels

"The Beyond Growth 2023 Conference is a multi-stakeholder event aiming to discuss and co-create policies for sustainable prosperity in Europe. (...) This three days major event is a cross-party initiative of 20 Members of the European Parliament, supported by a wide-range of partner organisations. It will involve stakeholders from EU and national policymaking, academia, social partners and civil society organisations. - The conference is entirely free, to make it more accessible. - The conference also relies on participative methods. - It has 7 plenary sessions, 20 focus panels and 4 policy labs."


European Parliament; 60 rue Wiertz;
Bruxelles, Belgium

and online in livestreams


15-16-17 May 2023


Goals and Key questions, organizing and supporting partners


Programme and schedules:

Opening plenary – Limits to Growth: where do we stand and where do we go from here?
2 – Changing the goal: from GDP growth to social prosperity
3 – Addressing the limits of resource consumption: towards a resilient economy
4 – Understanding the biophysical limits to growth to build an economy that respects planetary boundaries
5 – Building post-growth macroeconomic governance framework: aligning tools, rules and policies with EU political goals
6 – The power of economic models on decision-making and society at large
Closing plenary – Pathways from here: roadmap for a Green and Social Deal

1 – Which prosperous future? Confronting narratives of growth
2 – How to target and future-proof industrial policy towards climate neutrality?
3 – Beyond growth beyond Europe: What policies and partnerships to make it happen?
4 – Unlocking a just and sustainable economy through Universal Basic Services
5 – From the welfare state to the social-ecological state: how to organise and finance welfare without growth?
6 – Inequalities in a beyond growth perspective: taxation as an instrument of ecological and social justice
7 – Care economy: doing away with gender blind policies for a beyond growth future
8 – Cutting the addiction of labour to growth: the 4 days week
9 – Building an energy sector compatible with ecological limits
10 – Building a fair, social, green, autonomous digital future for a postgrowth economy
11 – The role of small and medium enterprises in a beyond growth economy
12 – The “Blue Doughnut”: A framework for a wellbeing ocean economy beyond growth
13 – Repairing and restoring Nature in a beyond growth perspective: is putting a price on biodiversity the right way to go?
14 – From Anthropocene to Cyclocene – Will circular economy keep us within planetary boundaries?
15 – Trade for sustainable development: how to benchmark success?
16 – Transforming food for the wellbeing of people and planet
17 – Challenges to feminist fiscal policies beyond growth: a focus on gender budgeting tools
18 – Beyond GDP indicators
19 – A financial system fit for a postgrowth economy
20 – What does a credible EU-wide, social and economic framework to achieve a just transition look like?

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